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2023 Leadership

Hannah Iverson

Production Coordinator

Hannah Iverson

Hannah is a Senior BFA in DTM (Stage Management), and has worked with Sandbox as a Stage Manager & Sound Designer.  She's loved watching Sandbox grow & is thrilled to be able to bring the vision into the future.


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Acting / Directing

Rebekah Jeffery

Rebekah is a Senior BAM, who has been involved with Sandbox for a while! They're very excited to be more involved in the future! They have a lot of ideas they hope to share with the team and look forward to being a support to everyone involved in Sandbox.


Alessa Oltman

Lighting / Sound Representative

Alessa Oltman

Alessa is a Junior BFA in DTM (Electrics), and loves getting her hands on the physical aspect of lighting. She works mostly in the electrics department at CU, and is excited to be a part of the Sandbox team.



Scenic Representative

Hayley Delich

Hayley is a Sophomore in the BFA DTM major specializing in Scenic Design. Hayley has been working with and designing for Sandbox since the moment she got to CU, and is excited to continue that work as the scenic rep!



Costume Representative

Liliana Eurich

Liliana is a Junior BFA in DTM specializing in Costumes. Liliana has only been involved with costumes for a little while, but it has quickly become her passion! She is very excited to be part the amazing team of Sandbox and is looking forward to the future seasons!!


Emily Littlefield

Props Representative

Emily Littlefield

Emily is a Sophomore getting her BA in Theatre & Sociology. She's been workign in theatre (specifically props) for many years now. She's worked as a Sandbox designer, and is looking forward to being a rep for the next few years!



Social Media & Events Manager

Edie is a Junior BFA Actor, and she adores Musical Theatre & Shakespeare. You can find her onstage or planning fun Sandbox events. She has worked with Sandbox since the very first season, and is honored to be part of the team! 


Edie Roth

Past Leadership

Production Coordinator


Wessie Simmons

2021 - 2022

Hannah Iverson

Hannah Iverson

2022 - Present

Acting / Directing Representative


Jo Hoagland


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Rebekah Jeffery

2024 - Present


Lucinda Lazo



Jacob Turner

2022 - 2023

Costume Representative


Carly Peterson


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Joan McEnhill

2022 - 2023


Liliana Eurich

2024 - Present

Lighting / Sound Representative


Hayley Garcia Parnell

2021 - 2022




Alessa Oltman

Alessa Oltman

2022 - Present

Props Representative


Olivia Rae Allen


Emily Littlefield

Emily Littlefield

2022 - Present

Scenic Representative

Adam Garb

Adam Garb

2022 - 2023


Hayley Delich

2024 - Present

Social Media, Advertising, & Events Manager


Edie Roth

2022 - Present

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